Fred, Why?

"Five hundrend thousand per month and a separate team entirely for Royal Vega Dairy," Arthur came back with his side of the deal.

Even though he came here personally to meet her, he is not willing to spend that much money for that Prince's company. This money will be spent from their company's pocket. Chairman Brunton does take the" loyalty" too far.

"Mr. Sinclair... From the heiress of Crawley Hotel chains to the sole heiress of the three Michelin star restaurant Fresco, I have six colleagues who can take care of this. They are all their daddy's favorite Princesses. All they have to do is... say, "Daddy please..." and their fathers who are already so proud that their daughters are earning on their own not squandering away his money and will bend over backwards to do whatever they ask of them. And I know the quality of the products from the Royal farm must be quite above par than any product currently available and it won't be hard to sell them.

If not in restaurants and hotels, they just have to cook it in their house parties and spread the name and their blogger friends will write about the nice meal they had in their friend's house that had the best dairy products...

And... To promote more... "

" Our product is the best and that's why we don't have to spend much, Ms.Whiteford, " Arthur interrupted. He had no wish to talk over her but business is business. And if he just gives in to her easily, he knew she'd blame him for squandering away her grandfather's money. Who knows how many times she cussed him in her heart for that?

" Yeah, good luck trying to sell a common product as premier product in here without help, Mr. Sinclair. No one knows much about Esteria or the Royal family of Esteria here. The only thing they know about Esteria is that it is the home country of Northern Star Conglomerate. And with what connection are you going to sell dairy? The Northern Star never invested in any food products till now. Obviously you know everything I said makes sense and that's why you chose our firm and not any other PR or marketing firm. No other firm has good relations with the upper echelons of the society in this country like us," Talia's eyes glittered with pride and she looked at Joe who was frozen for some reason.

What got into him?

" So how will you familiarise our product here, Miss Whiteford? Surely we cannot only depend solely on your colleagues who are heiresses. What if they leave their job one day and spread misinformations about our product? And also your firm's name is associated with one political party. We cannot be missing out with other political party's patronage" Arthur asked as he finished the whisky in his glass and Jordan helped him with another glass. He really was intrigued.

" Well..., "Talia looked at Joe." Is she still looking for castles? "

Joe snapped out of his thoughts. He should be serious right now and not get distracted. Talia is really speaking for his firm.

The 'she' Talia mentioned is the only celebrity - a super model they are representing. She is going to get married soon to an oil tycoon and she wants a fairytale wedding in a castle. He kind of got what Talia is meaning by asking that and he thought of taking charge but he still signalled Talia to continue. If she is a Esteria national, she'd know more about their customs than him.

"Yes" he answered Talia and she continued.

"Natalie Watson, a supermodel is looking for a castle to get married in. Her fiance is from the Hershman Oil Corporation and her wedding will be extensively covered by media here. The summer castle of the Royal family is open to the public, right? It's an amazing place for a wedding... That rose garden and the tapestries... The dreamy blue summer sky with the castle at the background... It would be perfect! Let us ask her if she is willing to have her wedding there with the cake and dishes prepared with the.... "

Arthur had long stopped listening to what she was saying and was just observing her face and the movements of her fingers that were tracing the air like she was dancing some sort of classical dance. It should be a dance... It should be.

There was a bunch of her hair hanging over her forehead. He hated that her pretty blue eyes were covered by those terrible contacts but she used to do that in high school too so it is okay. Her straight nose that was so adorable, her full pink lips he wanted to take a bite off... She is wearing a pearl earring? And her slender neck that peeked out of her coat... Is that a necklace she is wearing..? The chain of that pink gold necklace almost got merged in her supple skin and only the little heart was visible.

Oh, how I wish I were that little heart so I could rest in her cleavage!

And the way she described the castle for wedding... He knew every woman has a lot of dreams about her wedding day. None of that came real for her. He decided to change her mind and then conduct another wedding ceremony all according to her wishes, wherever she wants and however she wants. Either in the top of Mount Everest or in the deepest ocean... Wherever she wants!

And soon he went back to stare at her face and his throat went dry seeing the perfect flawless woman in front of him.

Was she sculpted with care by angels?

He wanted to give her a tight hug and kiss her sweet lips. He felt like only that could heal that unbearable thirst that makes his throat dry.

".... And this way we could improve the tourism industry of Esteria. What do you say Mr. Sinclair?"

Finally he came to as she mentioned his name and looked at Jordan for his reaction of her proposal and he rolled his eyes and gave a thumbs up signal.

Of course he didn't listen!

They all discussed for a while and came to an agreement to discuss the next steps of their business together.

As everything got settled, Joe decided to bring up the issue about Talia out. His wife sent another long text explaining the relationship between Arthur Sinclair and Talia.

They are married? If they are, then Talia cheated? She is not that kind of woman who could be that brazenly cheating! And she might have killed a guy? Really? Talia, killing a guy? Impossible... But, What is the reality?

"Talia, are you Princess Polaris?"

Talia was shocked to the core as she saw the serious expression.

"Talia... Tallie... I'm not blaming you or anything...." Joe tried to calm her down, "Becky felt a little suspicious that the Northern Star Enterprises is contacting us suddenly after the little hacking attempt of our system and she found out about it after a little digging... Once again... Not blaming you. You must have had your reasons to hide it from us. It's fine. I just wanted to know the truth. That's it. Nothing between us will change because of it if you don't want to, " Joe hurriedly explained.

He knew she was already in a pretty volatile mood and he didn't want to stress her more.

" Yes "

Talia said after taking a deep breath and her hands were already shaking.

" Okay. It's fine. Glad that we know now... I'm really glad. Me and my friends used to talk about you a lot, you know! Who knew you were so close to me all along? " Joe smiled from his heart and tried to calm her. He knew empty words won't reach her now.

Talia on the other hand felt like the everything around her that was barely standing with big cracks crumbling down, cutting her like sharp glasses.

If Rebecca knows I'm Talia Brunton, she'd also know that I'm a murderer! If she knows, everyone else knows too. It will spread like wildfire and everyone will look at me like I'm a terrible person, they'll be scared of me.

They'll say, 'I'm a monster!'

"Iris... Iris... Look at me... Iris dear, look at me," she felt a strong grip on her arm and she turned to look at him.

It's because of him... Because of him...

"Fred, why? Why did you... Why...?"

She started hyperventilating.