A Drunk Mind Speaks A Sober Heart

"Iris... Enough!"

Arthur tried to be stern but his voice shook clearly showing the pain he felt. His eyes were red and filled with tears. He really didn't want to see her suffer like this. She looked like she is in severe pain in her chest.

"Blue... Deep breaths... Follow me... Deep, slow breaths... "

His hands gently caressed her cheek and he breathed along with her and soon her breathing got regular.

Joe who felt bad for revealing the truth abruptly, stood by the side with a glass of water. But he didn't regret his decision. Sometimes it is better to fade the truth.

"Talia, you won't quit your job now, right?" he asked with his usual smile and Talia who looked deeply at him found no significant change in the way he looks at her except for that little worry.

"No. My raise..." she tried to speak but her throat was dry and without thinking she got the glass from Arthur's hand and emptied it in one gulp making everyone freeze.

"Talia! You cannot mix your medications with alcohol!" Joe said in an angry tone.

Does she want to die? Although it is not that much to cause her death... Shouldn't she be careful?

"Ah, what's the worse that could happen?"

She stood up, "Mr. Sinclair, let's meet again for further discussions," she said with a polite smile as if the one who was suffering sometime ago was not her.

"I'll take you home," Arthur stood up and Talia politely refused. All she wanted now was to go to her home and rest.

"I'll drop her off," Joe came forward and was met with Arthur's deadly stare. Only then Joe realised he was placing his hand on her back as usual.

"Why don't you rest in our home tonight, Talia? My wife would be happy to have you," Joe didn't mind the glare and reminded the angry man that he is a married man himself and Talia won't be in danger with him.

Him on the other hand, Joe didn't know much about what happened between him and her but if Talia even hid the fact that she is married and dated others, Arthur is not someone who could be trusted.

'Why did he appear suddenly after years? Why is he the CEO of a company to be owned by Talia? Its not like she doesn't know management! She is the best! There must be something more to it. He seems fishy!'

"I'll be fine in my place," Talia answered Joe and took a step forward. She felt like her legs were weak and like she was getting disoriented.

"OK, then"

Joe who didn't notice the change in her walked to the front after shaking his hands with the other two men. He could feel the anger in one's grip but he wasn't scared of Arthur as much as he was scared of his wife. If he told his wife the he left her friend off with some suspicious man, she'd never let him in her bed again. He loves to sleep with his wife.

Joe knew Talia does not like to stay in other places and she doesn't like other people stay in her place either. His wife herself is no exception. So it is better if he leaves her in her place and have his wife check up on her in the morning.

Talia felt her entire being floating as her ears felt stuffy and she couldn't even take a single step but she was seeing the ceiling of that private room.

'There was a bloody painting on the ceiling..? '

She felt her back being grabbed by something so strong and the face of the man with the pretty green eyes came to her view.

The scuffle behind made Joe turn back and Jordan who saw her falling straight on her back like a cut flagpole, stood frozen. He had never seen anyone falling this way before. If Arthur didn't catch her, she'd have broken her neck by the way she was falling.

"You okay, Iris?"

Arthur asked concerned and helped her on the sofa pouting her some water. Talia saw his left hand holding the glass of water having the wedding band and snorted. She couldn't even snort properly and it seemed like a hiccup and Arthur placed the glass to her mouth and she took a sip.

She who was feeling like she was somewhere else, floating freely, pushed the glass that blocked her view away and placed her hands on both Arthur's cheeks. She looked at him deeply.

"Are you really my Freddy Bear?"

Arthur became ecstatic by the way she addressed him.

My Freddy Bear!

Back in high school, after their first kiss, whenever they were alone, she'd call him Freddy bear. He was a player and tall and he had a muscular physique as opposed to her slender figure.

'You are like a bear' she'd say, 'Also Arthur means' bear king'. And I like your name Frederick more. So you are Freddy bear! '

"Sweet Iris, I am. I am your Freddy bear."

He replied his eyes wetted unknowingly. She should be drunk and combined with her medications, she is feeling a bit disorientated .

"You are not!" she pouted her lips, "My Freddy bear has a pretty red mane," her slender fingers caressed his now dyed brown hair.

Joe was surprised by her sudden change in attitude and Jordan tried to pull him out of the room. He actually heard with his own ears Arthur referring himself as 'Freddy bear'. He should now poke his eardrums so that he won't hear anything anymore.

'Freddy bear? Seriously? Like Teddy bear?' Jordan couldn't accept it.

'Let those two have their privacy'

Jordan mumbled to Joe and he agreed. Joe could see the relationship between those two seemed complicated. Maybe talking would help.

"It's just hair colour. It will go away soon. I swear, I am your Freddy Bear!" sitting opposite her, Arthur held her hand and kissed her palm closing his eyes. Unknowingly a tear drop rolled from the corner of his eyes.

How long was I waiting for her to actually speak to me tenderly!

" Don't touch me! " she pulled her hand away, "If you are my Freddy Bear, then I'm supposed to hate you! So off you go! And throw that ring away. We are not really married! How long are you going to keep this farce?"

Her words were slurring a bit but her eyebrows were furrowed seriously.

Arthur didn't care about everything else she said and he caught only one phrase.

" Supposed to hate me, why? Why does my sweat Iris supposed to hate me? "

" Why? You don't know why? "

She raised her voice. Her cheeks had blushed pink and her lips were glistening. She had unbuttoned her coat and the top two buttons in her shirt and she looked more beguiling.

"No. You know me being a bear, I'm not so smart. So, why don't you tell me so I'd understand?" Arthur's spoke gently fixing her hair that was falling in her eyes. His voice was calm, like he was talking to a child but his heart was racing. He wanted to know her heart.

" You don't even know why? Liar! You know what you did! " she slapped his hands away. More than his hand hurt, it was his heart that hurt more.

Joe who was just closing the door, sighed deeply.

'You know what you did!' - This is the most scariest thing a wife could say. Who knows what she means by that?

This guy is done for! He'd be old before he figures out what he did wrong!

Talia who talked a lot felt so tired and curled up on the sofa to sleep. She was so in need of sleep.

"Do you love your Freddy bear still?" Arthur asked squatting beside her looking at her. Since she seems to be speaking the truth, he might want to ask the most important thing.

"Hmm?" Talia's eyes that were closed opened and it moved around as if she was seriously thinking. Arthur's heart felt heavy as she has to think this deeply to answer such a question.

"I don't know"

She replied and somehow Arthur felt happy. This answer still meant that he had a chance. This answer is still better than a blatant NO.

"And why does it matter, anyway"

She added her voice so low and almost inaudible,

" My Freddy bear left me alone when I needed him anyway! I was alone... And scared... And he was nowhere to be seen... I waited... But... In the end... " she didn't finish what she was saying. Her voice was so meek and low and it made her look like a poor drenched cat as tears rolled from the corners of her eyes and dripped on the sofa.

Arthur couldn't help but hug her close and tears fell from his eyes. That fateful night came to his memory. It was exactly ten years before and was exactly the same date as today. He was only gone for half an hour and within that time....

' But I thought she didn't remember what happened that night. So, she remembered what happened? If so, how much did she remember from that time period?'

"I'm sorry," he kissed her hair as his shoulders shook, "I'm sorry I didn't protect you well!"

It was his fault... If he was there, she wouldn't have been put through that cruel thing! But thankfully he returned early and stopped something more dreadful from happening!

"Don't cry, Fred..."

Talia got out of his grip and wiped his face. She was sad but it was more sad to see him crying.

"I'll take you home," Arthur tried to pick her up.

"Okay, " she didn't stop him. She wanted to sleep in her comfortable bed.

"Where will I sleep?" he asked kissing her forehead. He hooked her purse in his arms and Princess carried her after closing her coat properly.

He knew the outside will be cold and she is terrified of the cold.

Talia didn't care about anything and wrapping her arm around his neck, slept peacefully.

Arthur came out and seeing Joe still there, didn't care for him and looked at the club servant.

"Back door"

He said and Jordan picked up a bundle of cash out. Back door is just a phrase to say the exit with least coverage. He didn't want to be caught by any paparazzi lest she'd get mad when she wakes up.

The club servant didn't accept the money. Of course their Royal Princess cannot be caught in a scandal! He brought the group to the staff exit and even hailed a cab for Arthur and Talia.