Stay In Her Place

Arthur opened the door of the taxi and asked Talia to get in and Joe asked for the final time if she'd be okay going with him.

" Must you be this skeptical, man? Arthur is a renowned man and he is her husband. What's the worst he could do to her?" Jordan McAllister grunted his disappointment. Isn't he just her boss?

"Her husband? Hmpf! She is not agreeing to that and her life could be in danger. And... The couch is pretty uncomfortable to sleep in"

Joe's answer seemed to be a non sequitur but since Jordan was smart, he could understand what he meant.

So he is just afraid of his wife?

"I'll be fine. He's not a scary bear, " she said with a little pout that was so uncharacteristic of her.

"But, you..." Talia poked Joe's chest with her index finger, "Go back straight to Rebecca... And that Rachel Crawley who is actively challenging her that she'd get you... If I come to know you met that Rachel alone for more than five minutes or make Rebecca cry for any reason... I'll... I'll..." she stumbled and Arthur held her. She glared at Arthur frowning but then put her smile back on,

" I'll cut off your family jewels!" she made a swiping action with her hand making a chill pass through Joe's spine.

" You may get back at me but you can never get back your family jewels. So be mindful, " she looked deeply at Joe.

Joe could see she is actually threatening him and was a bit surprised. He has never seen Talia involving herself in other's personal life. She was always aloof and cold even with her friends. He wasn't even sure till now that she considered Rebecca as his friend but now he was sure Talia is Rebecca's friend.

"Let's go," Arthur tried to get Talia inside the cab but she was not in the mood to listen.

"She stuck with you when you were the dregs of the society and if you... "

She continued while she was interjected.

"I know, Talia. I won't. She is my soul mate and I will never betray her trust. Now, you be safe. Don't make her worry about you," Joe spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Talia had a lot to say but Arthur forced her inside the taxi. This little wife of his becomes too honest when she is drunk. Arthur snorted seeing Joe making the 'I'm watching you' sign with his fingers.

As soon as they entered the cab, Talia fell asleep. Seeing the petite woman leaning on him deeply asleep, a smile bloomed in his face.

"Sleep well, dear"

Arthur patted Talia's head. He didn't expect he'd meet her this soon. His plan was to first make a contract with her firm and using that as a leverage often visit her in her office. But the heavens were so merciful towards him, he met her this soon and now he is en route to her place.

He sent Jordan a message to bring his luggage to her place. He didn't care about the long message Jordan sent as a reply asking him what he'd do if she throws him out.

It's simple! If she throws him out, he'd wait it out by her door until she changes her mind and lets him in!

But contrary to his expectations, him getting inside her place went without a hitch. She woke up and looked groggy by the time they alighted from the taxi and she opened the door to her unit by herself and locked the door after he got in. She even asked him to mind his head while entering. He felt the warm spring sun shining on him alone making flowers bloom around him.

"Leave as quickly as possible"

She said with no emotions in her voice. And Arthur felt the cold autumn wind swirling around him bringing desolation and making the flowers around him die.

She left her coat at the hanger in her foyer. Leaving the keys in her key bowl, she walked inside and he heard the sound of a door locking.

Well, I'm in and I'm not going out until she pushes me out! I can show her how shameless I can behave!

He smiled evilly and hanged his coat next to hers and left his shoes near her shoes.

This looks perfect isn't it? Like how it is supposed to be. Like we are married...

He went in and took a look around. This is the first time he is inside a woman's place in his life. Back then she used to visit his place occasionally. Now he is living in her room in her grandfather's mansion but it is different when she is not there, right?

He heard the sound of water running and realised she is taking a shower.

There is only one small door between his naked wife and him... And the entire place smelled like her... That thought made his abdomen tighten and he chided himself for being like this when he is already a twenty eight old man.

He walked around to change his mind. His entire body felt hot and he felt pathetic for feeling that way too. The hardwood floor and and the ivory white paint in the walls made the place look cozy and comfy. The blinds of the big window in the living room were closed. She always loved privacy. It is a wonder she chose a place with modern architecture. But it should be the only place with other amenities that she liked. This building has topnotch security, is close to her work place and is in a place where there aren't more crime. Also there is a helipad nearby where you can rent a helicopter and in case there is an emergency, she could rent a helicopter and get to the airport and leave. She is smart to choose this place. That Cyrus did teach her well.

Although it has more benefits, this place was extremely small. He felt like her bathroom back in Esteria is bigger than her entire apartment. But, she has kept the place so neat and tidy, like how she wants it. In her mansion back in Esteria, the maids still clean her room with extra care fearing her even if she is absent for ten years. Apparently their polite little miss gets scary if she sees even a speck of dust.

But it is surprising she herself keeps her place this clean. He opened the refrigerator and it was empty. He opened the cabinets and saw some spices and cooking equipments. She should cook occasionally. That's good. There was a small circular dining table with only two chairs.

Her entire apartment at one glance screamed that this is her own private boudoir. No one else is admitted in.

But he is already in and he went to the living area. There was a three seater Italian designer leather sofa in white and even that looked unused and so spotlessly clean. A small coffee table was there too with nothing on it. There was no television and only a PC table with a computer on it. There weren't much in her place except that big contemporary art piece that he didn't understand why it is called art. There was a big circle and some squares in some autumn colours.

Well... It doesn't look like her style but... If she likes it, then it must be good.

There was another room that was closed and he assumed it must be the bedroom. Before he could open it to take a peek, he heard the door of the bathroom unlocking and wrapping herself in a towel, Talia walked out.

Subconsciously, he hid in the corner, next to the PC. Talia who felt more groggy after the warm shower, didn't notice the figure hiding in the corner and during her shower she entirely forgot about that guy she brought in too. In the past three years she was loving here, never once she brought another person to stay here.

Sometimes habits are so ingrained and so she forgot about the changes she encountered that day as soon as she showered, she went on with her normal life. Like usual, she changed to her silk slip and wearing just her underpants, she hopped in her bed and with the warm silk duvet covering her, slept soundly.

Arthur who was hiding was surprised she didn't come out and signed in relief. Sensing no movements, he slowly walked to the bedroom and saw her already asleep. She was entirely enveloped in that purple duvet and only her nose and a little part of her forehead was visible outside and she looked so cute.

Wait... She must have noticed me, right? Surely a seven foot guy wearing navy blue suit in a white background is not that easy to be concealed, right? But she said nothing. Does this mean I can stay here? Surely she won't mind, right?