One Week

The helpless feeling unable to control anything around her, got Talia so annoyed. Arthur was still looking so exhilarated just for that ring and was speaking non-stop.

'Why isn't he going away? Was I not clear that I don't want him here? I've said horrible things to him and yet why is he planting himself beside me? Why can't he just leave me alone?'

"I got that ring as your wedding..."

"Does the bride buys the groom's wedding ring? And this ring is not a wedding band, is it? But anyway, it is quite nice...." Arthur interjected her and kept on talking knowing what comes out of her mouth is not going to be pleasant. He was currently on cloud nine as he got the first present from her and he didn't want to dampen his good mood by her mean words.

Does she actually mean what she says anyway?

He felt entirely confused by her behaviour. She gets all angry at times and hurl hurtful words at him and other times she just prepares him dessert and lets him kiss her.

And it is fairly obvious that she is still in love with him.

If so, why is she trying to push me away? Isn't it because she thinks I'm not trustworthy since I left her alone that day? That I wanted my family to "win"? I can prove her wrong. But if she is not even willing to listen and just bursts off each time I try to talk to her, how am I going to explain?

"It is your wedding GIFT not wedding BAND! You hear me Arthur? This ring is my gift for you when you marry someone! Actually marry!" Talia stopped him from speaking further.

He really wasn't this garrulous before and now he just can't stop talking! Annoying!

"But I am actually married to you. Iris... Will you please..."


Talia screamed from the top of her lungs and she didn't know where she got her strength but she pushed him away and he was pushed out of the closet and stumbled on the bed with his expression aghast. This is the first time he is seeing her using such vulgar words. But this is not the first time he is seeing her act this way.

" Do you know? Those three days of my life... I want to forget it! There aren't a lot I remember from those days but I just wish to forget the little I remember. If I could delete my memory, I would do it just like that," she snapped her fingers in front of her face. Her eyes were red and some of her long wet hair was tangled in her hand as she snorted.

" When I disappeared for a year back then, do you know where I was, Arthur? " she asked and he with his lips pursed stared blankly at her.

Of course he knew! Her doctor is still in contact with him. Her doctor wanted to know about her since she never revealed anything about her no matter how hard they tried and they felt like they needed her family's support to help her better.

But in the end, she never cooperated and nothing seemed to help her and she got out of the hospital and went to university in another country. She just did whatever she liked and those who loved her had to let her go of that's what gives her happiness.

And she still pretends she is fine and that she got over everything but she still is in severe pain as it is obvious! But he just wants to help relieve her pain, to stand by her side, to bring her happiness back.

"I was in a "mental asylum" or whatever fancy word they are using for it now! I was in a f*cking mental asylum for an entire year, Arthur! It was no different from a prison! All I wanted to do was to try and forget my past but all they wanted was for me to remember my past. Why should I? Why should I remember something that only brings me suffering and makes me want to kill myself? And why are you trying to do the same thing too, Arthur? Do you want me to die too? Or do you want me back in that prison? Why can't you leave me alone? Why? And I will never return back to Esteria! Ever! " Talia looked at Arthur who had his eyes reddened and he walked towards her and she tried to shut herself inside the closet but he got to her first and hugged her.

" I won't bring up that again," he said gulping down his sorrows that made his throat heavy.

If bringing up that day hurts her, he won't bring that up again unless she wants to. He won't try and explain himself up. He won't be the reason for her suffering.

But he really didn't want to leave her. He had never thought about giving up on her. He couldn't give up on her even if he wanted to. So what could he do?

"But Iris... Will you let me stay with you for a week? Ju-just a week... For old times sake... We used to be friends, right..? For that... I promise I will leave after a week. Please... And a trip to Esteria just for a day... Just you alone... I won't be even there, I won't even show you my face. Go there to meet your grandfather... He really wants to see you. If he was healthy enough to travel, he certainly would have come here to meet you. But he really cannot. So, Please... I beg... I beg you "

His voice broke often as he spoke and Talia who was in his embrace could hear his heart beating like drums and his breathing felt odd as if he was crying and his hands holding her seemed to be slightly shaking.

He seemed to be distressed and it broke her heart.

She wanted him to leave her alone and she said all those things to get her point across so he would know she is serious. But she didn't mean to hurt him this much. But if it would make him get away from her, she felt like it is acceptable. The more far away he is from her, the more happier he will be in the future.

'What good will a week with me do?' she wanted to ask him but she didn't. If that's all he needed, she was willing to give him at least that. And she wanted some time with him before everything ends. After he leaves her and finds himself a woman, she won't ever see him again.

After all, he herself cannot deny that she loves him. And that made it hard for her to refuse his pleading.

And as for her grandfather... He seemed to be not lying.

If that's the case, am I going to lose the only closest relation I have? Am I going to become an orphan?

As he was embracing her, his warmth seeped through the bathrobe and made her warm and she could feel his heartbeat getting stabilised and he started to breath properly.

She didn't feel like moving away from this warmth and stayed still for as long as she pleased. She could feel him resting his chin on her head and his hold got a little tighter and she loved it.

When was the last time she got hugged this endearingly anyway... She didn't remember.

"Get dressed. I'll be out," his magnetic voice was heard from above and as she war he'd him, he turned immediately hiding his face and walked to the bed.

As Talia watched, he removed the ring in his finger and placed it back inside the box and closed the box properly and placed it where it was before.

Talia felt a sharp pain in her heart when she saw him leaving the room. The light from the window was at his back and she couldn't see his face properly but his silhouette made him look despondent.

She really wasn't happy to see him like that. She didn't think that he'd just return the ring he couldn't stop talking about some time before rather enthusiastically. She wanted him to have that ring but since he didn't want it, she won't force him.

And... It is better this way! Even if he loves me, it is better for him to forget me!