Little Hope

When Talia got dressed and went out, she couldn't spot Arthur anywhere inside the house and she wondered if he'd actually left.

Did he think that I refused? I didn't mind him staying here...

She felt a little hollow in her chest as she stared at the floor for sometime but she soon composed herself.

It's better this way!

She sat comfortably on the bed with her laptop trying to figure out the truth in Arthur's claims about her grandfather and the seriousness of his illness.

Deep down she knew Arthur wasn't lying and yet there was still a part of her heart that wished that he lied and her grandfather is really fine.

Arthur wanted to have a puff and not wanting to make her place smell bad, went to the common area of her apartment building.

Leaning casually in the couch with his legs crossed and watching the city outside bustling with activities, he looked sombre. His long slender fingers were holding a cigar in an imposing manner, while his eyes were looking at the distance in a contemplating gaze. His eyes looked confused and lonely but his entire aura slide forth a rich feeling of dominance. Even in casual attire, he looked like a deity watching over the mortals to alleviate his boredom.

The young women living in the apartment,saw the otherworldly figure whom they have never seen before, chilling in their lounge and took a second glance at him before leaving.

'Was there a model living in our apartment?'

'He looks more like a greek-god than a model!'

The young girls filled with colourful dreams chatted and giggled among themselves as they left the building.

Some of the tenants who are working in various business companies, felt that solemn figure to be familiar. His resemblance to "The King" was uncanny except the colour of his hair and... the unusual presence of him, here.

Why would the CEO of Northern Star Enterprises sitting here smoking a cigar, alone?

Arthur didn't care about the others, like always. All he did was Talia's face when she shouted at him and he closed his eyes shut.

Why did you not see that you were getting married to me.?

But he was a little happy that he got an answer to what's in her heart and why she tore the paper that day, screamed that she will never accept the marriage and left. Till then he thought about various possibilities and raked his brain with no answers.

This is better.

And then he remembered her request to annul their marriage and his heart hurt and he sighed flicking off the ashes of the cigar. He really wanted a nice whisky by his hand. And her house didn't have a single drop of alcohol.

Should I go to a bar?

Then he looked out to see the bright sky and decided against it. It is not good to solve any problem with alcohol.

But why is that she doesn't even want to acknowledge our marriage and wants to annul it?

If she said she wanted divorce at least that means she acknowledges our marriage and wants to break it... But she wants an annulment!

Knowing how she is, he knew there must be a deeper meaning to it. But what could it be?

Is she still in love with that other guy? Is that why? She wants to be clean and pure for him?

Arthur had investigated that David Bailey and he was from a pretty conservative family who probably won't accept a divorcee in their home.

Is that why she wants an annulment?

But she broke up with him and as far as he knew she is not in contact with him.

As he was pondering looking outside through the big glass windows, a familiar figure made a ripple of emotions in his clear green eyes.

What is he doing here this time of the day?

Arthur's teeth clenched as he saw the man wearing a long grey coat standing by the entrance of the apartment door, seemingly in a dilemma, figuring out if he should enter in or not.

Go. Away! Shoo!

Arthur willed it in his heart with his sharp eyes fixed on David Bailey by the entrance, like a sniper's laser point. If he could bore a hole in his skull with his eyes, he'd do it with no second thoughts.

So he opted for the next best thing.... Shooing him away by his will. He somehow believed his firm belief in his heart will shoo David away.

He didn't want to confuse his woman more. She already is in a big dilemma if she should accept him or not. The last thing Arthur needs for her right now is an ex-boyfriend drama.

But if that guy wants to meet her, it's not like he could march in a and stop him. It's better if that guy goes away himself.

Arthur saw David standing by the entrance for sometime as if he was wondering if should get in or not. Her apartment building had a tight security and not everyone can enter the building since it requires an electronic card to get in and in its absence the tenant should alert the security personnel about their visitor if they should be allowed inside. So Arthur knew David cannot just barge in.

But Arthur saw David leaning by the pillar and calling Talia. Arthur who was still sitting in the couch leisurely, felt his shoulders stressed and stiffen as he sat with his back straight so he could see through the glass as David browsed through his contacts. And as Arthur pressed the call button, Arthur felt a strange bitter feeling in his stomach as he saw Talia's picture that she hands over her bed lit up in David's phone.

'Dude! You broke up! Why are you still having her picture in your contact profile? Delete it, now!'

Arthur wanted to punch David in the face, but was pretty happy when he saw the call didn't go through.

'Good girl, Iris! Don't attend his call!'

Arthur's tightly pursed lips, curved to a little smile. Arthur saw David waiting for a while, with his phone in his hand and he was looking deeply at Talia's picture and after a while he tried to call her once again making Arthur's jaws clench.

' Can't he just get the signal and leave her alone? Why is he this annoying? '

Arthur wanted to get out and push him away but then it is not his place. He himself did know that he had no right to interfere in her life since he is not really her husband.

Yes, there is a legal contract that unites them. But it is just a piece of paper of her heart doesn't accept it.

Arthur wanted the call not to connect this time too but to his surprise, the call connected and Arthur could see David's face getting red and becoming nervous.

At one glance he could tell that he is still in love with her.

Gloom filled Arthur's heart as his lips curled to a mocking grin.

Here he is, watching another man getting chummy with his wife. Who in this God's green earth could be a bigger cuckold than him? Which man with an ounce of dignity will allow this to happen?

It seemed like he was standing by the creek, holding out his hand for her who is standing by the other side of the creek. Everything around was moving and changing in a fast pace, while he alone was frozen in the same place for ten years, holding on to her. But she never turned back to even glace at him and her back view got smaller and smaller until it disappeared in the distance.

Arthur stood up stubbing the cigar in the ashtray and he was planning to leave if that David got in.

He is not someone without integrity who has no feelings to watch another man entering his wife's home when she is alone.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he looked outside, he took a good look at the man. He was shorter than him, had red hair, a bit of green eyes and his aura greatly reminded him of someone so familiar that he couldn't put a finger on. But he seemed so happy she was talking to him.

To Arthur's surprise, the call didn't even last for a minute and David looking desolate, stood there staring at the phone for a while and turned to leave.

She sent him off!

Arthur's lips curled up and with a slight snort he rubbed his forehead.

Why is this making me this happy? I'm pathetic!

Arthur chided himself and as he looked up, his eyes met with the green eyes of the man for a moment and that man seemed to have taken a shock seeing him.

'Does he know me?'

Arthur fixed his eyes on David who looked visibly shocked, but then he averted his eyes immediately away from Arthur and with long strides walked away.

Arthur who was feeling utter hopelessness till then had that small seedling of hope sprouting.

She sent him away!

He returned back to her apartment and as he opened the door, he could hear her on the phone seriously discussing something with someone.

He closed the door, placed the keys softly without making much noise and walked to her bedroom where she was. The door was half open and he could hear everything she was saying clearly.

My Iris! You really are my Iris!