
"I'm fine. Cyrus told me he'd be here soon. You should go be with your teammates," she was solely immersed in sending him off and that gave him a sting in his heart and he couldn't understand that feeling back then. And she looked so lost, he could not bear to leave her.

"I'll wait here until your Knight Cyrus arrives. Why are you so keen on sending me away? It's not like I'm going to be sitting on your lap!," he nudged her shoulder with his shoulder and she was startled and tried to push him away but he realised she had less strength than usual that day.

" Off you go, Fred! What are you doing here? You should be with your friends finding out who has the smelliest flatulence or something...go.. go!" still sitting with her legs crossed, she pushed him away and he was annoyed.

'Why should I leave? And what is she saying? We don't talk about farts all the time... It was just that one time when she caught us! But I will forgive her for her ignorance.' he decided to forgive her and still sat beside her. She clearly was acting weird.

"You haven't even congratulated me on my win and is yet to praise my awesome scores and did you see the way I stole the ball... and that time, I almost did a slam dunk?" he kept on talking while she just sat there looking at the door, waiting for Cyrus. Her fingers were tightly interlocked and there was a slight layer of perspiration on her forehead and her unwillingness to rely on him made him angry.

"Fine! I'll leave! Just be with your Cyrus! Don't talk to me ever again!" he stood up and she held the sleeves of his uniform blazer.

"Come on, Fred! It's just... I'm... Don't be angry at me..." she pouted with her pink lips looking adorable and with her short hair, she looked so much like the little girl he met at the creek.

"What's wrong with you? Are you hurting somewhere? Why aren't you telling me? I can help too, you know... " he asked noticing her looking a bit pale.

Why is she only trusting and relying on that Cyrus? I'm a man too. If he can do it, I can too!

"Geez! This annoying Romeo and Juliet making every calm place their balcony! And, Can't you guess what's wrong with her, Sinclair?"

A sneering voice was heard from behind and Arthur looked behind to see Jordan McAllister sitting up and fixing his platinum blond hair and Arthur could feel her hands tremble a bit.

"Just leave, Fred!" she held his arm and he could feel her pinch through his thick blazer. He, curious as he is, knew Jordan knew the answer and she does not want him to find the answer and he was torn in between what he should do.


"Fred! Don't listen to him, " she shouted interjecting Jordan while burying her head in his arm and Jordan just laughed.

"Come on Mary-Ann Brunton! It's just a natural thing. I have a lot of sisters and it's nothing to be ashamed of. What are you so embarrassed for? Tsk! " Jordan stood up shaking his head.

"Maybe you should lend her your blazer, Sinclair. "

Jordan said before he left.

"Iris, what is he..." Arthur squatted in front of her and became nervous as he saw her eyes filled with tears. She looked more like a meek animal caught in a snare and finding its way out. Kind of like how she was the day she crossed the creek.

At that time, Cyrus entered the gym with a bag in his hands and ran towards Talia. Talia who was holding back her tears till then, let it out as soon as she saw Cyrus and he pushed Arthur out of the way and stood up and Arthur saw the bright spot of red on her skirt and was terrified.

'Is she sick? Is it some kind of terminal sickness? Is she dying.?.. ' Arthur's mind could only think of various unfortunate circumstances. He had already forgotten what Jordan said minutes ago.

Talia realised what she did and sat back on her seat immediately when the first thing cyrus did was removing his blazer and tying it around her waist.

"It's fine... I'm here now. Come on, Princess. Don't cry," Cyrus hugged her and patted her back and she whispered into Cyrus' ears but Arthur could hear it.

"I think I dirtied the bench."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it... You are fine, right. I'll take care of everything," Cyrus passed and grabbing her cheeks looked at her. Seeing her a bit composed, he added, "The bag has everything you'll need and use the staff bathroom. The school nurse will be there soon. Go."

Arthur watched Cyrus speaking to her in a soft tone and she without turning back, left for the bathroom with her head bowed. He had never watched her walk with her head bowed.

Arthur still was in a shock and he saw Cyrus cleaning the bench calmly and when he looked at him his eyes were filled with disgust.

" F*cking murderers, " Cyrus mumbled looking at him before he walked to the bathroom. Arthur followed Cyrus but was chased away by him and so he hid by the entrance and he left only when he saw Talia walking out and she did seem fine then.

That day he went home and searched for what's wrong with her and that's the day he learnt about periods.

And that day he could realise why she trusted Cyrus and relied in him more. Cyrus was a man who knew what to do to help her. But he was just an ignorant boy not even realising what she needed and couldn't be of any help to her.

But I'm not a boy anymore! I can take care of her now.

Arthur leaned on the chair as he watched the bathroom door open and she wasn't coming out.


He called and walked up but she poked her hand out and waved it frantically.

"Don't come, Fred... I..."

" Did you forget to bring your panties?" he asked with a smile in his face as she didn't answer.

What did he know? This perfect Iris can be a slithering mess too!

"Stay there. I'll bring you," he said and walked to her closet.

"A clean towel too!" she shouted.

"Okay," he replied with a chuckle. He never thought he'd get permission to raid her underwear drawer!

After choosing the special one she instructed him to get he walked back.

"You want me to help you put it on?"

He asked teasingly and got his hand almost squished by the door. But he didn't mind. He liked teasing her.


She walked out of her room wearing a black lace knee length slip with a spaghetti strap and V neckline. Apparently she preferred not to wear bra at home and that slip was figure hugging accentuating her every curve... Front and back. Her shoulders and her collarbone that looked sculpted, peeked out and some of her hair was sticking out from the messy bun she was wearing and along with her flushed face straight out of shower, made her look like a siren making his abdomen tighten.

Is she trying to kill me? Just when she got her periods, she is dressing like a lingerie model in the cover of men's magazines? She is planning to kill me!

"What?" she asked casually pulling the chair and sitting. But she couldn't hide the little playful smile in her lips.

"Can't you wear t-shirts or something more.... warm? Aren't you feeling chilly?" he went on a roundabout way to express his thoughts.

Cover up, woman! You're making me go crazy!

"I feel hot and this feels...airy," she fanned her neck with her hands and all poor Arthur could see were those jiggly bits.

" I like wearing slips at home. Just because you are here, I'm not going to change my habits. If you don't like me dressing like this... You can leave. " she said holding back her smile and started eating the Shepherd's pie he cooked.

'This could not have arrived at a more appropriate time!'

She was happy. Although her menses cycle would never last more than three days, she decided to pretend for the entire week he is going to be here as if it didn't end and can act all horrendous to him making him decide that he didn't like her anymore.

Arthur on the other hand, tried to concentrate on eating and the food tasted bland. All the efforts he put in to make this a romantic dinner which followed to bed has been ruined.

Well, on the other hand, she'd be putting her guard down and he can change her mind using this emotional time by being a pillar of support beside her. Also it's only for three days. And there would be another four days left.

Arthur got a bit relaxed.

"When did you learn to cook this good?" Talia asked surprised. His cooking was never good. How did he improve this well?

"Well, dear Iris, I'm the king! There is nothing beneath my comprehension. There is no skill I can't master..."

Arthur went on with his rambling with his nose pointing high up to the sky making Talia roll her eyes through out dinner.

"You are not sleeping in the bed?" Talia asked him as he picked up a blanket for himself and got out of the bedroom. She remembered how congested and uncomfortable he looked when he was napping there and felt a bit bad for him.

"I'll be more comfortable in the couch," he said bitterly as she walked out pulling a pillow from under her head and placing it under his armpits with his head hug low.

"You've become a museum art piece, " he said as he locked the door and Talia couldn't understand why he said that as she didn't hear the last part, "No touching only looking! I'd rather die if I should just look."

Poor Arthur grumbling about his bad luck, curled in the couch.

In the early morning, Talia felt like something was stabbing her back and she felt a bit stuffy with the muscular arm wrapping around her and she tried to get out of his hold.

This guy! Didn't he say he'd sleep on the couch? Why is he here? And is he having morning wood?

"Iris... "

His deep baritone voice combined with the slight movements of his hips in a thrusting movement made her sleepiness disappear.

"Get that thing off of me, Fred! Geez!"

She turned her body and looked at him and his green eyes hazy with sleep slowly opened and it seemed like he was still sleeping.

Now what!