A Good Wife


Arthur repeated once more while his hand groped her chest and gently kneaded her mounds. On her belly however she felt a very excited anaconda. His handsome features got zoomed in front of her face as his green eyes glistened in an ambiguous haze making it look like a leaf glittering after a rain.

Talia did feel a bit disturbed by his eyes but then she saw his slithering tongue finding its way towards her mouth while his hips were still doing the thrusting motion.

What is he doing? Is he dreaming?

"Fred! Wake up!"

Talia slapped him in the cheek rather gently so it won't hurt a lot and that woke him up immediately and knitting his brows he woke up groggily rubbing his eyes and cheek.

"Ahh! What did you do that for Iris! Did you actually hit me?" his lazy tone made her remember the him from the past. "You're so mean, Iris... I was just having a good dream... " he complained like a little boy as he sat up. With his dishevelled look, he did seem like a wronged little boy.

"Don't dream about me!" she kicked him in his stomach and before her leg reached his body, he held her leg with a smirk.

"Who else am I going to dream about?" he said gritting his teeth and he seemed like he was in great discomfort.

Arthur couldn't sleep alone on the couch and came inside in the middle of the night and in the morning he was so happy in his dreams that this time the dreams were so vivid and he could even smell her and feel her.

But now he got slapped and is being teased more by her. Half of her boobs are out and she doesn't even realise that and now she is trying to kick him?

And her legs are so long and has a nice shape and they are even soft and adorable!

This vixen!

"Get lost!" she pulled the cover over herself and lied back on the bed. She still had time to get up if she wants to go to work and it is too early to be spoiling her sleep, talking with this guy.

"Iris... Help me... Like you used to..."

He lied on top of her removing the covers and she glared at him and he did look a bit pitiful. She knew his little brother down there is hard as a steel rod and the erection won't go away by itself.

"With your mouth..." he added and all the pity she felt for him vanished as she gritted her teeth and her eyebrows twitched.

She didn't feel embarrassed by him mentioning that. This is not the first time he is saying that without any shame. But she got angered.

" Liar! I never did that!" she pushed him away and her abdomen hurt a bit as she sat up.

She had never used her mouth! This lying rascal!

"And Fred, aren't you" the King"? This kind of trouble..." her gaze travelled below his abdomen where there was a tent, "You can beat it singlehandedly! " she said with a wink and then fisted her right hand and moved it up and down insinuating that he should help himself.

Seeing his face blacken, her face lit up brightly and she laid back in the bed, "Go... Go busy yourself in the bathroom. Don't splash it everywhere and... "

Before she finished speaking she was pressed underneath him and as she tried to push him away, her hands were grabbed tightly by him leaving her no room to move.

"Look who's become a big girl who could understand these kind of jokes?" Arthur placed his head on her shoulder and smelled the crook of her neck. Back then he'd say all kinds of adult jokes to her and it will all fly over her head since she couldn't understand them.

Hasn't she become more fun.?

But then he remembered all her past boyfriends and a strong jealousy brewed in his heart.

'How far did she go with those other men to understand all these now? Were they the ones taught her?'

"Let go, Fred," Talia said in a meek tone as she felt him biting and nibbling on her neck. The slight pain combined with his heavy breath on her neck and his warm body on her made her consciousness slowly drift away and as soon as her hands were released by him, her fingers gripped the hair on the back of his head.

Arthur only felt better after seeing the slight red patch on her neck and he let her go.

She is refusing to wear a ring and this would be a better alternative.

You are mine! Only mine!

Arthur smiled but the constricting feeling in his lower abdomen made him sigh. Seems like he only hurt himself more.

"Get off, " Talia who was under a trance till then came to after he got up and pushed him off the bed.

"Are you a teenager trying to make a hickey? Grow up! Geez! Get out!" she tried to cover her flushed face and turned to the other side.

"Ha... Ha...whatever! You have a hickey on your neck... Everyone's going to make fun of you! " he spoke in a sing-song voice and stood up but suddenly groaned making Talia open her eyes wide.

"Huh! It's going to be so hard to pee," he grunted as he opened the door.

"Don't splash everywhere. And remember to put the toilet seat down!" Talia reminded him turning to look at him and she couldn't help but laugh at him.

He deserves it!

"As you wish, Your Highness!" he bowed making Talia chuckle before she closed her eyes. She couldn't help but smile feeling the place where he kissed before. She really couldn't get mad at him.

Her alarm rang at the usual time and she woke up and walked to the bathroom and she saw Arthur busying himself in the kitchen.

"Good morning," he smiled at her and his face brightened up more seeing the prominent hickey in her neck.

Talia didn't answer him and got to the bathroom and she was pleased seeing the bathroom spotlessly clean as if it was cleaned.

He is not bad to have around!

She cleaned herself up and changed to her work attire and got out.

"You are working today?" Arthur who was humming happily till then asked with his smile reducing. But seeing her wearing turtle neck sweater made him laugh.

"Don't you want to feel airy? Why are you closing up your neck,Iris?" he smirked and Talia rolled her eyes.

"Childish!" she mumbled, "What's for breakfast?" Talia sat at the dining table and looking at Arthur in apron putting his heart out in preparing breakfast... somehow she felt like she was a man from some decades back who brought home a new wife.

The laundry is done... Food is cooked... The house is clean...


Talia shrugged and happily ate the full English breakfast prepared for her and a hot cup of latte. She rubbed her belly that was full and she felt all energised. She really loved breakfast and could never skip breakfast.

"Iris... Show me around this city... Don't go to work... Please...".

She ignored Arthur whining like a little boy as she readied her purse.

"Don't you have work to do?" she asked seeing him pouting with his hands folded, sitting on the couch.

"Hmpf!" he turned his face away from her and she chuckled.

"Be careful when you go out. Don't let anyone know you are staying here. I don't want to be associated with" the King"," she spoke in a stern tone as she walked to the foyer to put on her shoes.

He is a celebrity in the business world and most people around here will recognize him. Although she is not as famous as him around here, she didn't want to be tied down by gossips with him.

"Are you that ashamed to be associated with me?" he asked as he walked lazily towards her. He surely was so handsome with an odd charm that no one with sense could look over.

The one he chooses to marry would be the luckiest one!

Talia saw him with his eyes filled with various emotions and expectations and she couldn't help but see him as the boy she once knew in school as he was in his casual attire.

But he is not a boy anymore. He's not that boy with that mischievous smile. He is a man. A different man. Someone better than her in every aspect and someone with more power.

Why is he humiliating himself like this living in this small apartment, cooking and cleaning?

She didn't answer him.

"Just be careful!"

She said and opened the door,

"I have another set of keys. Use this if you need," she left the keys in the key bowl for him and as she turned, she felt a moistened softness on her lips.

"Bye," Arthur smiled holding the door for her and Talia who was stunned by the sudden kiss let out a sigh.

"Like a 50's wife!"

She mumbled and stepped out shaking her head.

In her office....

Talia being absent from work for days, expected a hefty workload but was surprised to see not much to be done.

As she looked over the documents, Rebecca entered with a bang and was wearing a latest Armani suit and holding a new Gucci purse.

Talia could guess she went on a shopping spree after leaving her apartment.

"Baby girl! Why are you wearing turtleneck today? Did you finally... "

"Take care of these first. That day out firm was hacked, I came up with the areas our security needed to be improved. Come on! Get on with it!"

Talia stared typing on the keyboard and printed it out and Rebecca looked at it.

"Help me!" she whined.

"Your husband is not paying me to do your job!" Talia slapped off Rebecca's slithering fingers that were looking inside her collar.

"Ah, a hickey! So you two reconciled?" Rebecca asked with her eyes shimmering with intrigue. She sat on the table facing Talia with a bright smile.

Talia just shot out a glare at her friend who could not help but gossip and opened up another document to look through.

"Will we get the business deal?" Rebecca asked knowing she cannot get anything entertaining from her friend. Her opening up the previous day was itself a wonder and she knew she couldn't get more from her.

"I'm sure... But tell Joe not to put all the eggs in one basket." Talia leaned on the back of her chair.

For some reason, she didn't feel like she could trust Prince Edward.

Why would he need to start his business here when there are other countries in the other side of the pond?