
"Is there a problem?"

Rebecca asked seeing Talia with her brows furrowed deeply.

"Are they expecting something back from you to give the contract to us?" Rebecca asked worried although she was sure Talia cannot be forced to do something she doesn't want to do.

"I didn't think there is another PR firm with enough resources for them to trust other than us? What other firm is there...? Zackerman Associates?" Talia looked at Rebecca with a slight mocking smile, "Esteria... Is a pretty Conservative country and they value family and loyalty more than anything. And we all know how many ex-wives Mr. Zackerman has and also rumours of his sons... touching women.Someone from the Royal family will never associate themselves with such a man even for business purposes," Talia added and Rebecca's eyes widened.

" So you are saying that our firm has more chance since Joe is happily married with me? "

Talia nodded. That's how it has always been in her country. And that's one of the reasons she can never go back there since she betrayed Cyrus by killing him and also that is the reason she is asking for an annulment. She can only imagine the kind of lashings she'd get once her past relationships are exposed. Affairs are considered worse than murder since it is the betrayal of trust and it is belittling the sacred institution of marriage. She couldn't understand why Arthur doesn't get it.

'Or is it his plan... To ruin me entirely?' Talia wondered about the possibilities. When she was with him, all she could remember were the good times she had with him and when she is away, she couldn't help but think of his as this criminal mastermind out to get her. She herself was so confused by the way her mind thinks.

" Not that I'm complaining now that I know our firm has more chance, but isn't that a bit...fusty, judging a business by the moral characteristics of the person leading it and not caring for the talents and efforts of others?" Rebecca was confused and voiced her opinion.

" You know the sayings 'Birds of the same feather flocks together' and 'Show me your friend, I'll tell you what you are'. My grandpa used to say, ' How your family behaves shows more of your character'. So if a man cannot guide his family well, he can't be someone trustworthy. It's just what those old people believe. They also believe in karma. " Talia massaged her forehead as it had started to hurt.

She didn't know if her grandfather is right. But she could understand his point of view. If a man was good, his family would naturally respect him and wouldn't spoil his good name. Also his loyalty and good nature will give him good allies who would help him in times of his need.

But if a man is not of good moral character, he would attract people with the same characters as him around him and they are the ones who'd stab in the back without any morality.

'My grandpa lived by his principles with a good name for himself. And I made him a joke! I killed! In the eyes of the people in my country, I'm an adulterer! I'm the lowliest Scum there. How could I return there even if I want to?'

"Speaking of immorality... Guess who I met in the spa yesterday?" Rebecca curled her lips and her red lips curled with disdain.

Talia knew she'd be gossiping and by her vigor, she knew she won't go out without her listening to her story and left herself to be blown in the direction of the storm.

" Linda Smith! "

Rebecca wanting to be seated comfortably, pulled the swivel chair and sat close to Talia and leaned towards her ear.

Talia was a bit ambivalent about it but she knew she had to listen to her friend or else Rebecca's head would burst.

"So, after shopping I went to this regular spa I visit that I had an appointment to and guess who was there?" Rebecca with a exaggerated smile and wide eyes, looked at Talia.

"Linda Smith?" Talia answer seeing Rebecca not proceeding with her story.

"Exactly!" Rebecca slapped Talia's arms excitedly and Talia felt her soul being sucked dry.

Can't it end sooner?

"She was with her other girlfriends and they were there after selecting the bridesmaid dress and Tallie... They were so cringe, I vomited a little in my mouth. The way Linda was showing off her ring and her credit card" supposedly" given by David Bailey... I think she noticed me and wanted to let me know that she is happy since you know... You are my friend. And did you know? Recently David became the cover photographer for that popular fashion magazine and... "

Rebecca went on with her train of words and all that seemed like unnecessary informations for Talia and she started reading the document in her hands.

" Hey, listen! "

Rebecca realised Talia got distracted as she is not interested in the gossips and shook her shoulders to make her look at her.

"Why did you break up with David?" Rebecca asked squinting her eyes as she read Talia's expressions and her mind even.

But why is she so stone faced?

"Is that important?" Talia was not willing to answer and turned a page in the document she was holding.

"Did he try something on you?" Rebecca added and Talia's hands froze as her eyes flickered with slight emotions.

"He did, didn't he? I knew it! What did he do?" Rebecca gritted her teeth and held the armrest of her chair rightly, her knuckles had gone white.

"Its not a big issue," Talia brushed it off, "We both were drunk a bit that day and he tried to... You know what and I couldn't get in the mood and he tried to... force me. I stopped him and he brought up the breakup saying he cannot be in a relationship with no physical intimacy and so I agreed."

Talia described it as if she was reading someone else's story and looking back on that day, she felt nothing. She could agree that after two years of dating of a man might be exasperated without any type of physical contact except occasional kissing and she didn't think of it as a big deal.

"Why didn't you file a complaint?" Rebecca's eyes became red because of fury. "How could he do that?"

"It's no beg deal, Rebecca! That was the first time he lost his control and I reflectively kicked him in the nuts and he had to visit the hospital since he was in so much pain. Trust me when I say that I wasn't traumatised or anything. I was at fault too..."

" Don't pity him... That bastard! It was not like he was deprived because you refused. He'd been cheated on you with that Linda, Tallie! The whole time! Linda was bragging about it yesterday. She seemed to be not lying. "

Rebecca said and Talia felt a sharp pain in her chest. Rebecca had no reason to lie and that Linda won't be bragging if it didn't happen at least once. It must be true.

The pain Talia felt... It was not pain of betrayal or jealousy because of the love she had but it was different... A bitter feeling that rose in her throat that made her want to vomit...

Embarrassment! Shame! Hate! Anger!

'So he pretended like he was a Saint and so understanding of me while he was secretly banging his childhood friend?


Well! So be it!

I don't have to feel guilty for wasting two years of your life for me anymore!'

"You okay?" Rebecca asked Talia and she nodded. But then her thoughts wandered around.

Getting cheated.... This feeling... Is not so good even if you don't love the person anymore, is it?

If so, how is Fred handling it?

Is he really honest with me?

Rebecca watched Talia in deep thoughts. She seemed to be angry as she learnt the fact and not heartbroken as she feared. And then she thought about Talia's situation.

Suddenly a thought popped in her head.

'If she knew that their people won't associate with whom they deem unworthy.. She didn't want to be married to him...'

"Talia! You dated others because you wanted to push Arthur Sinclair for annulment, right?" Rebecca asked shaking her shoulder and Talia opened her eyes and stared blankly at her.

"You didn't want to be married to him and so you wanted him to back off himself and by dating others, he'd be ashamed to be called a...cuck. And so you expected him to announce annulment by himself. But he didn't! He didn't, Talia. Can't you see? Can't you realise why? " Rebecca looked at Talia holding her shoulders.

" He loves you! " Rebecca said and Talia snorted and chuckled but her eyes became teary.

" Does he really? "