She Was Entirely Wrong

Talia felt her heart stop beating for a second and as she sat up quickly, she felt the blood rushing to her head.

She staggered as she stood on the floor and feeling cold, she covered herself with the duvet and ran outside.

She really wished Fred was still there.

And as she opened the door, she saw the solemn figure sitting on the couch, holding his head in his hands, looking at the floor.


She called and looking at the ghastly figure looking back at her couldn't help but cry.

"I'm sorry... "

Talia couldn't face Arthur and she looked at the floor. She blamed herself for being too selfish. She only thought of herself and acted impatient and brusque.

And those accusations she made... When he was the one who protected her.

She didn't remember clearly what happened then. After the image of the figure with the knife, the next image was of Arthur coming close to her, covering her and the warmth.