Leave Tomorrow?

Arthur sat beside her and hugged her closer. She was gasping and hiccuping and there were endless tears streaming through her face making him scared.

He had never seen her like this before.

Well, once before... When she lost her mother...

" Iris! Look at me..." he tried to hold her cheek and make her look at him but she dipped her head down and started crying more each time.

He waited for sometime to give her space to compose herself but it seemed like she was only getting more and more sad and wept more as time passed.

" He was right... I am a murderer... an adulterer... I'm stupid... I'm the dumbest... for not knowing the truth..."

She kept on mumbling and Arthur only then felt how big a deal it was for her.

She used to cry or pretend to cry all the time back in high school and he won't be able to even take her fake crying and would give in to her.

But now she was so distressed, she couldn't stop the tears from her eyes.

