
In the toy shop Talia followed Rebecca and seeing the various stuffed toys around, the inner child in her awakened. The second floor was all filled with stuffed toy in that section and the other section seemed to be newborn baby toys.

Even if this was a week day, the place was moderately filled with people, mostly women and some little kids who were shopping.

But seeing Rebecca picking up one of every stuffed animal with her eyes dead like a zombie with no soul, she felt bad and helped her sort out the ones she picked.

Surely she wouldn't need to buy that many toys for the children. If she did, they'd need another car just for the toys.

Talia really couldn't imagine the turbulence inside Rebecca's mind. She could have a slight inkling of how she might feel but there is a little voice in her mind saying that maybe there should be more to Joe and Rachel's relationship and it can't be just romantic.