
Talia felt light-headed as she realised the trouble she is in. Rebecca didn't even realise what happened just then and was surprised as there was commotion heard from downstairs.

Talia on the other hand rubbed her hands together and patted her cheeks to compose herself, like she was preparing for battle. She might be wrong about everything, but still she just wanted to be prepared.

She squatted down and pulled Rebecca down too and picked up her phone to check it once more. And as she expected,her phone still had no signal.

And that's when she noticed another odd thing... Her Wi-Fi was turned on and it was connected to the shop's free connection.

Talia could confirm her doubts now. She'd never use Wi-Fi connections, especially those public ones, ever!

'I'm not in control of my phone now. My phone's being hacked! But how? Who'd do..? Never mind!'