Negotiating Deals

As Talia followed the President through the hall, they were introduced to various other important figures in politics and some dignitaries for other nations.

As they were passing through the crowd, Talia was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar redhead.

"The Esterian Minister of External Affairs is to your left and Pharmacy Minister is to your right" Talia was introduced.

"Your Highness!" Roderick Sinclair and the other Minister bowed since she was introduced as a Princess. If they were in Esteria, they need not bow to her since she held no title of the higher ranks.

"I'm surprised seeing you here, Mr. Sinclair," Talia was really pleased and greeted him with a kiss. He really is the External Affairs Minister! How cool is that!

Lambert raised his eyebrows wondering how she is this close with a Sinclair and the President and his people were trying to hide their astonishment.