Private Apology?

"I still don't believe Jerome Brunton left nothing for you in his company. You're his blood after all," The President took in another puff of the cigarette.

Talia didn't want to answer him further. These businessmen just want to know how other people are doing to predict the stock market and for their own investments.

Does he think I'm a child who'd blabber everything I know? But... What he says makes sense. Grandpa wouldn't have given all his shares to Arthur.

" Aren't you being a busybody, Uncle Tony? Doesn't your country does that enough?" Talia's lips curved a bit and then she continued to take a sip of tea. "And failed?" she mumbled in a lower tone and continued to sip tea. This is the second cup of tea she was drinking.

Lambert couldn't help but smile seeing the President's face twitch a little, but he hid it with a cough.

He always wanted to call out this country for that but