Mother's Gift

"The Pharmacy Minister insinuated that it might be Talia and I didn't know how it is possible," Jordan eyed Arthur now leaning on the chair leisurely and rubbing his glabella with his two index fingers.

"You can leave now," Arthur excused Jordan.

Arthur decided to visit his brother to get more details on this. He really couldn't believe that Talia went over her way and talked for Lord Wallace's company.

Does she have the means to do that? Yes!

But would she go out of her way and speak for others? Umm... No..

She usually walks in her own lane and doesn't bother others. She won't actively try to hurt others and she won't actively try to do good for others too.

Arthur was there when Jerome talked to the President of A Country immediately after they received the news of the attack on her. It was a short call and the wait for the call to get through was longer since he was the President and his calls were screened.