The End?

Arthur took out the bracelet and he couldn't help but smile. It was an yellow gold bracelet and at the centre an iris was designed; a siberian iris, his mother's favourite flower.

Along with small diamonds, there were small sapphires, amethysts and citrine gems fixed on it to give a 3D effect of an iris flower.

"I know you call Talia 'Iris'!" Roderick patted his shoulder and Arthur looked at him with a big smile. He was genuinely happy. He felt like he really got his mother's blessings.

I didn't even look before I choose and I got an Iris from my mother!

Ah, mother! I wish you've met her! You'd have loved her so much.

Iris, my love, I want to make you my wife soon!


Talia was cheering loud along with Rebecca as they were watching a skijoring competition. The temperature was freezing and they all were bundled warm and standing in the crowd, cheering loudly, both of them weren't cold.