A Long Kiss

She held her hand out and the snowflakes fell on her hand and melted. She didn't know why she had such a painful feeling in her heart, but somehow the coldness made her feel numb.

"Your Highness, you might get frostbite," Amy standing behind her called Talia and only then Talia came out of her trance.

She noticed water droplets in her hand and the snowflakes were melting much slower. She felt a sharp pain in her hands.

Amy passed her a mitten and Talia wore it with no objection. "Would you mind leaving me alone for a while?" Talia asked Turing to look at Amy.

"No, I can't" Amy said firmly.

Talia could only sigh and walked in the front through the garden beside the Church. She was walking through a row of trees and the sun has already set. Although there were lights along the pathway, it still was dark.