A Long Kiss (2)

" I feel guilty that I can't be with you. When that scoundrel pulled your hair... When I saw that picture of you, clearly disturbed by the cameras, I despised myself for not being near you. I miss you too... I miss you like crazy. Everytime that woman tries to meet me or I had to make appearances with her, I feel like a scum. I'm sorry... " he couldn't look at her and rested his forehead on her shoulders.

Talia rubbed his back gently. Everytime she sees him together with her, she feels terrible too. But...

" Is the plan working? "she asked.

" Hmm"

"Then that's all that matters right? Don't feel guilty. I want you to be happy."

Talia said and even she was surprised by the words coming out of her mouth. She truly was not a very magnanimous person.

"Did you talk to President Carter about Wallace Pharma," Arthur looked at her and asked.