Love Him Still?

"Hmm?" Talia now lying in the edge of the bed giving enough space for Rebecca, asked.

"Do you love Arthur Sinclair... still?"

Talia could understand what her friend meant by 'still'. She only recently found out that her mother didn't die during childbirth, but was ruthlessly murdered by Arthur's uncle and so it is not odd for Rebecca to ask this question.

" Because he is engaged with another woman now?" Talia asked playfully poking Rebecca's cheek.

"Yeah, that too. Also how his family is connected with... you know, your mother's..." Rebecca took in a deep breath holding Talia's finger. She could see Talia's eyes glimmer in that gentle light.

Is that sadness?

As for her, she wouldn't think twice to renounce anyone and their family and even their dog, if they hurt a member of her family. No matter who it is!

"I do love him," Talia said and without knowing, her lips curved up a bit as she remembered Arthur's face. How can she not?