A Monster?

Arthur's already bad mood, got more spoilt seeing that number. But he knew if he didn't attend the call, she'd call him again and again and even if he avoids it, she'd never give up. Once here was a hundred and seventy eight missed calls and eighty nine messages in his phone.

He wanted to kill Jordan who gave her his private number. Guess he couldn't handle her torture either! Should I fire him?

"Yes?" Arthur asked and gritting his teeth, got down from the bed. He wanted to bang his head somewhere.

"Arthur..." Sophia who was sitting at the edge of her bed twirling her hair in her finger, was pleasantly surprised and paused her action.

He attended my call in my first attempt! He couldn't wait to speak to me! I knew I can move his heart little by little...

Her little heart fluttered.

"What?" Arthur's tone was low because of exasperation.