Jordan's Type

Looking at the happy couple in front of her, she suddenly felt a sharp sadness passing through her heart. She turned to her side to see her cute little brother savoring the Beef Wellington with no other worries.

An involuntary sigh escaped her lips.

Men his age have had at least two girlfriends and some of his classmates are even married with children. He watches everyday what Arthur does for Talia. And still he has no interest in dating?

It's fine if he likes men too! It is not good to stay single without having an emotional and romantic relationship with someone.

"Talia, You were in the same class with our Jordy, right?" Vivian asked Talia.

Talia who was gloating in her heart about her win, controlling her urge to mock Arthur, immediately controlled her emotions and looked at Vivian.

"Yes, all three years," Talia looked at Jordan who was staring at his sister with his mouth wide open.

"Did he date anyone? Or at least fansied anyone? Girl... Boy.. Anyone?"