Total Trust

"Let's go, I don't want them to misunderstand," Talia tried to get out of his embrace but felt a strong pull around her waist.

"Misunderstand...? " Arthur's deep lazy voice made Talia flinch a bit. She didn't know why she can't get used to that voice. That voice combined with his hot breath falling in her ears... They always makes her feel weird in her stomach.

As if that was not enough, he decided to torturer her more by speaking in her ears, "Remember I told you when I meet you next I'll make it impossible for you to stand?" he planted a little kiss in the nook of her neck making her feel ticklish and her grip on his arms tightened.

He said that during that phone call he made the day of the company's Year end Party. They met again days back in Rebecca's Town, right? Nothing happened!

"I walked perfectly fine that day," Talia wanted to push him away but she didn't even have the strength to speak, much less pushing him away.