Serene Rest

Talia sitting above Arthur felt tired after hitting him with the pillow for a while. Her arms hurt and she started feeling her cramps again.

"Fred... Get lost," she said and lied on his chest making him smile.

That little girl he met when he was seven years old, whom he thought as stupid as she cried for the death of a bug, had grown up to be an elegant, gentle girl when he met her back in high school. When he got to know her, he found her very intriguing and he fell for her.

And she turned out to be a liar as she grew up to a woman. He should be hating this woman who seem to be manipulative.

But why is he falling for her more and more? It's like he won't fall out of love with her even if she turned out to be someone despicable.

However, she is not an actually manipulative it despicable person, is she? She is always that gentle and kindhearted person who really cares for him.

So what if she throws little tantrums? He didn't mind.