Never Met Someone Like Her Before

"I need to talk to him."

Mr. Ed stared blankly at Jordan who insisted he needed to see Arthur. The Princess' room has been locked for more than a couple of hours and he didn't want to disturb them in case they are "otherwise engaged".

"This is an important dinner Arthur promised to attend personally. I. Need. To. See. Him!" Jordan stood his ground.

"You. Cannot. Disturb. The. Princess!" Mr. Ed had his hill to die on.

Jordan who doesn't like confrontations with people like this actual Knight, didn't k ow what to do and in the end both of them ended up in a staring contest.

He tried to sneak in, but stood frozen seeing the weapon Mr. Ed had in his holster. He didn't want to be shot like a criminal.

"You're handsome too, in a way..."

Jordan was stunned hearing that voice and turned to see Rebecca standing near the refrigerator in her bunny onesie.

Isn't this Talia's friend? Why is she having the look of a lecher? What a weird friend Talia has!