A Late Night Call

That night Talia, Rebecca and Cordelia shared a room like back in the days, reminiscing the past. In that colonial style King-sized bed, the three friends sat comfortably, crossing their legs, sending away all the staff.

Cordelia mostly whined about the rules she needed to follow being the Queen Consort.

"How I wish I could resign my job!" Cordelia sighed. "The other day someone spotted a little smudge of my eyeliner on my white gloves, and that made the front page news!"

"Shouldn't you divorce your husband to resign your 'job'?" Talia asked, "But you can't divorce either, can you?"

There were strict laws forbidding divorce in a Royal Marriage.

"No! I can't!" Cordelia hugged Talia, "I love him. And even if I don't, I'll lose everything if I divorce. I'll be thrown to the wolves; literally," Cordelia shuddered.

"Make more babies. You'll get maternity leave," Talia gave her input.