I'd Prefer You Mute

The next day sitting in the breakfast table, Talia was stunned seeing Cordelia walking with a weird gait. She noticed her knees looked burnt.

"How did you scrape your knee?" Talia asked holding Cordelia's skirt slightly up.

"Ask your cousin!" Cordelia was not happy at all and she hissed with a snort. Talia looked at Louis following behind her closing his mouth with his hand, clearing his throat. He seemed to be blushing and even his ears were red. In his eyes however, there was an expression Talia has never seen before. She don't know what he was thinking.

Louis was confused and embarrassed that his deed was exposed like this. Who told his wife to forget about him for an entire night? He wanted to remind her who her husband is in the morning. What's wrong with that? And now she is angry. Did he go too far when he insisted on doing it on the carpet; in that position? The bed would have been better? Huh! How can he make her smile?