Getting Hit On

Talia smiled doing the Royal wave to the photographers, trying not to blink as the flashes hit hard on her retina. She's the one who chose this path. This red carpeted path with numerous eyes watching her that will catch her every moment, is the one she chose.

I can live with this! Although I will never love this attention.

If she needs to do something worthwhile using her name, this kind of attention on her is necessary.

Talia was then lead to the Grand Staircase where Louis and Cordelia Joined her too. They were welcomed by the staircase and the official pictures of the State Dinner were taken.

Then the President and the First Lady led them to the Yellow Drawing room. They were served with hors d'œuvres and wine to go with it and they were introduced to the invitees of the State Dinner. There were some celebrities, businessmen and mostly ranked officials and politicians in the Dinner.