Bitter Feeling In Her Gut

The Dinner was over and everyone was led to the East Room where the entertainments were arranged.. There was a free flow of alcohol and cocktails. A well organised jazz band performing in the corner of the big ballroom.

Of course everyone was socialising and Talia was stunned by the amount of attention she got. With a smile, she tackled everyone and tried to move away from the crowd. She just wanted to be a wallflower no one notices.

Too bad she was glowing like a moon among the stars surrounding her. And her not realising it, only added to her allure.

She tried to find Arthur. It won't be hard to find him. There weren't many men who were seven feet tall, with ginger red hair around. As she searched, she met eyes with Samuel Russell who was only slightly shorter than Fred and had a shade of red hair. With a smile, he raised his champagne glass at her and Talia had to smile back with a nod.