A Fresh Rose In a Field of Plastic Flowers

Talia forced a smile seeing that handsome guy with pretty blue eyes. She wanted to step aside, but was stunned to see him holding out his right hand. His left hand was behind his back and with his shoulders pulled back and his back straight, standing with a perfect posture, he exuded the charm of an aristocratic gentleman.

"Can I have a dance with you, Princess Talia?"

Sigh! Why is this guy's voice so good! Talia wondered. Too bad he wears clip-on tie. Or else I might consider him for my sister; my non-existent sister.

She looked around to see if Arthur is around. Or even Cordelia or Louis. But alas! There was no one near her. And there still was a bunch of drunk men trying to get close to her or trying to have a word with her.

Too bad she cannot leave the hall abruptly. It would only cause

This guy with a clip-on seems decent. Better him than that guy with the crooked teeth who is now secretly leering at me!

"Yes, Mr. Russell," Talia smiled politely.