Bad Taste

In an alleyway, far away from the Presidential Residence, a tinted white van opened and a bundle was thrown out. A person with his mouth stuffed with cloth was held in a body bag and the bag was thrown out to that alley, while the van waited for the man who got out.

A couple rats scurried out of the garbage cans into the darkness that lurked at the end of the alleyway. Some creatures get comfortable in the dark, after all.

" He is... Here" the tall figure wearing black tactical uniform spoke to someone in the phone and knelt with his one knee over the body bag and opened the zipper.

"For you," he placed the phone in the ear of the man on the ground and removed the cloth stuffed in his mouth to allow him to speak.

"What is this?" the man wrapped up tightly with ropes inside the body bag could only squirm as he couldn't move. With the cloth stuffed in his mouth, now his entire mouth was dry and he wanted to have a sip of water.