King Approves

The King who was rubbing his forehead out of stress looked at Arthur. Everyone else was curious too.

Now what!

Sophia who looked pale like refined flour, turned to a nice shade of red as she saw Arthur's calm eyes on her.

He said he saved me! At least this will gain me sympathy points and not ruin my life entirely.

"I told you to keep it a secret," he smiled at her and his green marble eyes looking at her, had no mirth in them. Sophia went pale again. That was not a smile. That was a threat.

He knows! He knows I lied!

She looked to the front. She wanted to stop everything from happening, but she didn't know how. Her heartbeat raced and her eyes wandered around restlessly. Her head hurt like someone was shooting her brain with a nail gun at a regular interval and she heard a ringing noise in her ears.

I'm doomed! How can I escape this?