Ramble of the Disturbed

Everyone stepped away from the little woman who seemed to be lost her sanity fearing they might actually get stabbed.

"Lucky charm..." she laughed. "Arthur, I am your lucky charm. Remember that match when you scored the highest points in your life... You looked at me before making every shot. You forgot but I remember. I am your lucky charm. You cannot leave me..." with the knife in her hand, she slowly walked towards Arthur.

Her steps weren't steady as she was only wearing shoe in one of her foot and she had a very disturbing smile plastered on her face. She didn't wear the other shoe she dropped and she didn't remove the other show either. Wearing a high heeled shoe in one feet and nothing on the other, she walked towards Arthur.

Arthur felt his heart beat quickening. He wasn't frightened, but he knew she might bring trouble to him even if she is the one who got hurt in the end. No one would give video evidences on his behalf from here.