
After waking up, she felt a little better. She still wasn't feeling fresh. She wanted to talk to Arthur, but he already mentioned that he'd be free only after dinner and so she didn't want to disturb him.

As Talia was wondering what she should do to change her mind, her ladies in waiting visited her.

"I should have warned you about Lord Asher Trembley, Talia... I know for a fact he didn't just tease you. I'm sorry this happened to you. Thankfully Prince Lambert was there..," Lady Celine said holding Talia's hand.

Talia had already asked her ladies in waiting to forgo the formalities when they are alone. Lady Celine is twenty six like Talia and she cared a lot about others even though she grew up in a shielded way. She was sweet and soft like a bunny. Talia really loved her.

"I'm fine... Nothing bad happened and that's all that matters." Talia started to console Lady Celine who looked more worried than herself who was the victim.