Lambert Visits

"Marquees? The Duke's son?" Talia asked for clarification. She never bothered with these details so much in the past. If she wanted to do something against that family, she needed to know them better.

"Yes, he is the first wife's son and King George only allowed titles for his half brother and sister after making the first son - Walter, the Heir to the Dukedom. Walter is not as bad as Asher and he is his own man with his own business," Lady Jolene explained.

" Oh... " Talia felt like it wouldn't be fair to involve the brother in this." So what can we get against the Duke? "

" Come on! You're the Princess. Can't you send a summon and order them to do something? " Lady Jolene asked. She wondered why a Princess must gather details before doing anything.

"It doesn't work that way anywhere, dear. Unfortunately, anything good don't come easy! And let's make the Duke pay what he owes to the public too... " Talia said with a smirk.