He Got Jealous

Lady Jolene waved her hands with a chuckle as she closed the door and left.

What a woman!

Talia could only sigh.

And did I just admit that Lambert is my brother? Seriously? Brother? Wow!


Talia came to her reception room where she was told Lambert was. Lambert still in his dress shirt and trousers was sitting on the armchair with his dinner jacket resting on the armrest. He looked forlorn, looking at the floor and running his fingers through his neatly combed hair, messing it up.

Was he forced to be here?

"Is the dinner over already?" Talia let Lambert know her presence. She wasn't mad at him or anything, and so she didn't expect him to be here.

"Ah, you're here..." Lambert looked up at her with a grin and his clouded eyes revealed that he was already drunk.

And that made Talia slightly angry. It is not even 8 p.m. yet and this guy is drunk already?

" Of course I'm here... This is my place!" Talia said leaning on the wall, folding her hands over her chest.