Not Everyone's Lucky as Her

"You still have this wine?" Lambert asked looking at the wine he gifted her when she was in A Country.

"I was saving it," Talia got the bottle from his hands and poured herself a glass.

"Will this wine even go well with the pudding?" Lambert asked, opening a beer bottle for himself.

"I don't care. I like them both separately and so I'd like them together too..." Talia didn't wait to elegantly stuff her mouth with the pudding and took a sip of the wine and nodded as she really enjoyed it.

"My ex-girlfriend and I broke up for this wine, you know..." Lambert said staring at Talia who silently ate the pudding as a she'd been starving for a month. But she still held the etiquettes and it was weird for him to watch. She looked common and yet dignified.

Can't she be one? Either an average girl or a dignified noble girl? What an odd species!