Escaping The City

"What are you hiding?" Arthur asked in a skeptical tone. One of his eyebrows was raised higher than the other and with his thumb and his long slender index finger, he was rubbing his chin that had a five o'clock shadow.

"Nothing! I'm having work tomorrow and... It is going to be a long day. Me and Celine are visiting Luxxenshire. I'm not sure when I'll be back." Talia spoke about her plans.

"Hmm," Arthur didn't care much about her daily schedules. She seemed like she was doing well and that's all he cared about.

"Celine is in love with Walter..." Talia couldn't help but pass this information to Arthur. Issue with Walter brought a fight between them two and Talia felt like telling him that.

Now he could relax as he knows that there would be nothing but friendship between Walter and her in the future, since her friend is in love with him.