Discreet Act

As Talia sat in one of the tables, waiting for her tea, the bell hanging by the door rang as if someone was pushing through, startling Celine.

A bald, fat man burst in. As he walked, his belly swayed side to side and maybe because he never walked this fast before, he was already sweating and was panting.

A thick chain was dangling on his chest which Talia recognised to be the Mayoral chain. She inferred he must be the Lord Mayor of this town.

With an obvious sycophantic grin, he bowed his head and greeted Talia.

" You could have visited the Heavenly Dewdrop teashop right next, Your Highness. It is more extravagant. This modest place won't satisfy your expectations," he extended his hand to help Talia stand.

"Is the Lord Mayor questioning my choice?" Talia smiled politely interjecting him and although she looked polite, her eyes looked scary.

What a slimy guy he is for spending on himself, the money that was for the people?