Duty Or Love

Lambert was observing everything. Hiding from Jolene, he watched her cry bitterly. He wondered if he is the reason she is crying. But then, a little part of him said, 'Let her cry! She brought it on herself'. 

After talking to Talia that day and deciding to ask Jolene out, he went to meet her the next day. But when she said that she only wanted a 'casual relationship', he didn't know why he relented. There was something he saw in her eyes and he wanted to know what it is.

As they continued their "relationship" he found out what that 'something' she saw in her eyes is – Love. But she never accepted it and he made it his goal to make her accept. She made it tough. They never talked and only did 'it'.

And boy was she amazing at it!!

But he felt empty, and wanted more. He talked about it and she said told she had ambitions and she won't marry him and end up regretting what-could-have-been, later in her life. 

She didn't want him because he is a Prince.