Fickle Heart

Arthur sensed that Talia doesn't want to speak about it any longer and decided not to bring it up again. He knew she'd bring it up again every time there are articles criticising their relationship, just like how she still blames him for getting engaged with another woman.

I can live with that!

Arthur took in a deep breath. But then, he doesn't have to take it all lying down. He had promised her that he will not let others speak badly about her anymore. He himself cannot be a reason for that.

 King Titus was not against his decision to cancel the engagement during the summit at The High Council. He cannot change his decision just like that. He decided to give a nudge to make the King do what he promised.

"Hey Iris, Does your feet hurt? Shall I massage it a bit?" he asked, looking at the woman now savouring the cup of hot chocolate. Or is she simply pondering?

 "NO!" her voice got a bit higher and he felt her leg jitter by his touch.