Successful Ball

After Talia is settled comfortably, Arthur checked with Jerome's assistant and found that he was on his way back to his cottage. After that, he with no hesitation dialed Jordan, although it is midnight and he might be asleep.

Since he is awake, his assistant should be awake too, right?

"Yes, Arthur?" 

Arthur was shocked to hear Jordan's clear voice. "You are not asleep yet?" Arthur spoke in a hushed tone, not to disturb Talia.

"You called me for this?" Now Jordan got irritated. Sitting in his dark room, with the light from his laptop screen illuminating his face, he stretched himself. But seeing the chatting app light up with a reply, he smiled subconsciously.

"Leak the letter I sent to the King regarding the cancellation of my engagement with Lady Sophia to the press. I need it to be breaking news by dawn." Arthur really didn't care why Jordan was awake still and whispered his order.

"On it!" Jordan's face lit up with a smile.