A Visit To Remember

"I'll meet him and I will be polite with him. I know I represent the Royal Family of Rosendale." Although Talia really didn't want to be giving this promise, she did as it is what was expected of her.

 Talia didn't understand why the King of Esteria is so hell bent on meeting her. This time, he went through the proper channels and phoned Louis himself for a meeting with Talia. She couldn't put off the meeting anymore.

She was already planning to visit Esteria to visit Arthur's father who was going to surgery the next day. She also wanted to do one another important thing - visit Cyrus' grave. During her previous stay in Esteria, she was surrounded by reporters and she couldn't visit him. But now she wanted to do it first thing.

She wanted to put Cyrus' death behind her; this time for good and move on. She would never get over what she did and stop feeling guilty about it, but she did what she did and it was for protecting Cyrus' son. So she can live with it.