Call From an Old Friend

"As you said, your granddaughter started to investigate. I've already sent her the details. We don't owe each other anymore, right?"

"What makes you think it was my granddaughter?" Jerome's voice went cold as he couldn't bear the voice from the other end. 

"Come on now, Jerome. Don't be cold towards me. I've already explained I didn't know he was targeting YOUR granddaughter. And I tried to be helpful and put the fear of God in that Prince's heart. He won't dare to be disrespectful to anyone ever again." Arnold Belfauger chuckled from the other end.

"I don't want you or anyone related to you to even think about my granddaughter and those of whom she loves. I might be gracious considering my history with you, but the other one won't be. Mind that." Jerome took a sip of the cranberry juice he was supposed to drink and cringed. This juice still wasn't as cringe as Arnold.