Being There As A Support

"Joe, I know you are distressed. But I'm here miles apart and there you are, calling me using my friend's phone and not saying a word. I can't even rush there as I please. So please gather your thoughts and tell me what is wrong with Rebecca. Don't make me have a heart attack here. You called me, damn it!" Talia gritted her teeth and spoke in a deep voice. She felt like passing out.

"I'm sorry, Talia... I..." Joe took a deep breath. "She felt uncomfortable and then there were some cramps. She couldn't handle it and fell on the floor, Talia. I almost died seeing her like that. I rushed her to the hospital and they did an ultrasound. They're saying she is dilated already and needs a cervical suture... The baby's just twenty weeks old... She wants to save the baby. I have no idea what I should do. She told me not to tell anyone and she can handle it herself but I'm scared..."