A Cold Dish Waiting

Talia after chiding herself for losing her composure in front of Lady Magdalene went to meet Vivian. Arthur was talking to the doctor about his father's health and seeing Talia, he joined her.

"I'm losing my propriety Fred. I acted like an uncultured swine in front of Lady Magdalene," she closed her face with her hands while walking.

"Uncultured swine?" Arthur laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder to guide her. If she says she was that terrible by her standards, she might not have been that terrible by average people's standards.

And what's with her walking with her eyes closed?

When they got to Vivian's room, they saw Cyril standing outside concealing his anger. "Want to grab a smoke?" Cyril asked Arthur after he greeted them both. "He is here," Cyril added noticing Arthur's doubtful eyes.