Her Freddy Bear

"Is she really not pretending?"

Talia asked the doctor checking Sophia who was restrained to the bed. Apparently, she suddenly started screaming saying odd things, tried to undress and run away. She had forgotten her name even. She was highly sedated and yet she still hasn't calmed down. The doctor was typing in the tests that need to be taken in the iPad.

"Your Highness, we'll know for sure after these tests. If there aren't any physical disorders that come up during these tests, we can safely conclude that this Lady-"He cleared his throat, "This accused is mentally disordered."

"Did she meet with a lawyer? Is this how she's going to play this out? Just before interrogation, she magically became insane? How is that possible?" Cyril gritted his teeth and Arthur wrapped his arm around Talia's waist.