Mutual Respect

"I heard Talia left Louis' presence broken-hearted after he expressed his concerns towards the man she chose." The Dowager Queen took a sip of tea. Although she seemed nonchalant, her sharp eyes noticed every single expression of Jerome Brunton in front of her. 

She knew Talia would visit both of them today so she visited Brunton to make it easy on her to visit both of them. She had escaped near death and without resting she is running around. She is more like her great grandfather in this aspect.

She received news that after storming off weeping, Talia went back to Louis and asked permission to have Little Henry with her for a couple of days. She's really unpredictable. 

And she has thoughts whether Arthur would be the perfect match for Talia. Status aside, her happiness and security is the priority. If he is someone who can't provide both, he can't be her husband.