Was Ralph Her Uncle?

Talia smiled at the boy running in front of her with no worries, chasing Bear. He was crying for a while, but seeing her perfectly fine, his mood greatly improved. Yet he insisted to stay with her a while longer. More than getting scared that she died, she felt like he just used her to escape his studies and run around freely.

Well, he's just five. He can take a day off from his studies. The world won't end.

Talia didn't want to out the little boy to his worried parents. And seeing that boy who was proud that he had successfully cheated his aunt, she wanted to protect him.

Ah... I've pulled these exact tantrums with my grandpa when I was little. He always knew, didn't he?

Talia chuckled to herself. She saw her grandpa and great grandmother sitting by the pond, drinking tea. She learnt from her staff that both of them are spending time together a lot these days.