Changed Ambition

Jolene felt her heart tug by the honest confession of the man and turned to look at him. His eyes were misty, his lips were pink and glistening, and the fringes of his messy brown hair fell on his forehead and made him look vulnerable unlike his usual sleek style.

Her heart raced and she felt weak in her knees.

As a teenager, she had dreamt of the day Lambert would say these words to her. And today, he is saying those words to her with utmost sincerity.

But she is not a teenager anymore.

Yes, it hurts being away from him, but she needs to get used to it.

"Jolene, here I am, laying bare the feelings in my heart and the least you could do is being honest with me. Do you love me?" 

Lambert repeated seeing Jolene bowing her head still unwilling to be honest with him. She looked at him with a smile and Lambert expected her answer.

"You're feelings are not the only thing bare here - you're too! Aren't you going to-"