Strong Undercurrents of Hidden Emotions

Talia felt her heart clench seeing all the wires attached to his chest, the IV lines to his arms and all the beeping machines around him. No matter how many times she looked at them, it still gave her the creeps.

It's for his good....

But please wake up soon, Fred.

It was then she saw him blinking his eyes and her heart started to beat fast out of excitement.

He woke up!

She wanted to barge in, hold him, and speak to him, but since he is kept in the sterile ICU after a major surgery, she was told that she cannot enter the room at will.

At that time, the nurse who was looking after him the past night entered the room and did some basic tests like asking him questions and asking him to follow the light from a penlight.

She watched him anxiously. He seemed to be responding well although he looked like he was in discomfort.

But then even through the glass she could hear all the machines beeping loud and her hands began to tremble.